Wednesday, September 13

Squeeworthy TV.

I have a confession to make: I have an addiction. And his name is Tim Gunn.

If you're like me, you know exactly who he is and have a secret itching desire to buy his collectible bobblehead. If you're like my co-workers, you're asking me why I'm wearing a t-shirt that reads "Free Tim Gunn" to the office.

Recently featured on the cover of Entertainment Weekly with Heidi "Looks Better Than 99.9999% of the Female Population, Even Whilst Pregnant" Klum, Tim Gunn is the resident consultant to contestants on Bravo's hit TV show, Project Runway.

I only got into the show during Season 2, but now I'm hooked and breaks between seasons merely serve as detox periods before I can get my fix again.

Put clutch catch-phrases like, "Make it work!", and "This worries me," and "What happened to Andrae?" into your vocabulary.

If you haven't caught an episode of this show yet, something is wrong with you. It was nominated for an Emmy. An Emmy.

Snag season 2, and an up-to-date catalogue of 3 on iTunes:Project Runway

They're usually available for download on Thursdays, so it's like portable TiVo for your iPod! You can also listen to Tim's podcast of every episode on lengthy train rides or boring church sermons.

Catch PR on Bravo TV Wednesday nights @ 10PM.

And, really, I would genuinely like to know what happened to Andrae.