Friday, September 22

Smart squee.

People often find this very surprising about me, but I hate to read books. That's right. The writer hates to read.

Blame it on the never-ending required summer reading that was shoved down my throat for years, or the attention-span-of-a-gnat mentality that has saturated the very core of society, but I literally have little to no patience for books.

Magazines, newspapers, blogs, crawls on the bottom of E! about Tara Reid, and websites are the only things digestible enough for me to handle anymore. Library's scare me. Now you know why.

Books that do get my attention are generally filled with lots of useless information that I can impress people with at social gatherings. i.e. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents America (the Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction (Albert Gallatin was Secretary of the Treasury from 1801-1814) and MTV Uncensored (Kurt Loder is old).

Another such book, which I have admittedly yet to read but sounds promising, is From Altoids to Zima : The Surprising Stories Behind 125 Famous Brand Names.

Let's discover this book together, shall we? We'll exchange notes in the hallway between classes on Monday.

On a side note, I do use my empty Altoids tin cases to hold paperclips on my desk. It kinda freaks co-workers out if they're expecting something "curiously strong" to chomp on instead. Although, I guess a paperclip would qualify.